Monday, December 10, 2007

I AM A Beast

Success. What can be better than success? What can be better than to know that you reached a goal honorably, without cheating? To be able to say that you "beasted" something? Now knowing how that feels, I can share my experience of how I BEASTED something.

Math has always been my strong area. I have never had trouble with it because it usually "clicks." There is one exception though. LOGS--the inverses of exponentials! Because they take so long and also have great potential to be tedious and extensive, I am not very fond of them. On my last quiz, I meant to study because it was all logs and natural logs. But since I was rushing to leave school to go to work, I did not grab my notebook with my notes on logs. I had forgotten about my quiz until the period right before I had to take it. In my mind I thought to myself, "Oh well, this will just be a real test of my knowledge of logs. I can do it though!" It was quiz time, not even quiz time but more of test time. I began my slaughter on the "quest." I thought I was going to be one of the last ones to finish the quest but I was the first one to finish. This worried me a little because I wasn't sure if it meant that I missed something or forgot some steps. But I was still confident in myself.

The next day I got my quest back. As the teacher was passing out the quests, I anxiously waited to see my quest and how I had performed. I was the last one to receive the quest. The teacher handed me my quest upside down, which meant that I had to flip it over to see my grade. I HAD BEASTED IT SCORING A PERFECT 32/32. At that moment, I got a great sensation that I had performed excellently using pure skill and knowledge.

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